How our charity works

Charity for Palestine & Charity in general is a fundamental part of Islam and works in many ways. Alhamdulillah we were given the opportunity to donate 450 books to (Follow #Samir_Mansour_Bookshop) Samir Mansour’s Book Shop in Palestine. They have almost after a year reached Samir Mansour in Palestine. We request your prayers for Palestine and it’s people, also for the oppressed Muslims all over the world.

Charity when you buy a book

If you would like to buy a book and donate it to the bookshop you can do this by purchasing a copy from our book page. Select the ‘donate’ listing instead. Now 1 of the 450 books that a Palestinian child receives will be from you. We believe and hope this book will lift the spirits of children not only in Palestine but all over the world. Now you can be apart of this too, please support us and purchase a copy for yourselves, loved ones and for Palestine.

Charity Collaboration

We want to work with your charity and offer this book which will soon be one of many with your support. By purchasing and selling on your charity site, what you accumualte in profits a 100% can go to many beneficial causes Insha’Allah. We look forward to your collaboration!

Support, Da’wah & Tarbiya

By purchasing a book from this website you are supporting the Author to provide you with Shari’ah compliant childrens books. This in turn allows and helps the Author to produce more content like this and to be able to grow and provide children with inspiring content. To give Da’wah in Islam is important for every Muslim, and to bring up our children in the correct manner is also important. By purchasing a book you are doing Da’wah and Tarbiya of our future generations to come, most importantly by following Shari’ah when purchasing this Islamic book.